1 ########################################################################
  2 # who you are - settings
  3 ###
  5 unmy_hdr *
  6 #my_hdr From: calmar <mac@calmar.ws>
  7 my_hdr Organization: calmar.ws
  8 my_hdr X-Homepage: http://www.calmar.ws
  9 my_hdr X-PGP-Key: http://www.calmar.ws/calmar.asc
 10 my_hdr X-Operating-System: Debian (Un)stable, LinuxFromScratch.org
 12 set from="mac@calmar.ws"  # needed for %F in $index_format (see man)
 13 set realname="calmar von c."
 15 set header_cache=~/.mail/mutt_cache/
 16 #set message_cachedir = "/home/calmar/.mail/mutt_cache/"
 18 set signature='~/.signature'
 20 #set sendmail="/usr/bin/msmtp"
 21 set use_from=yes
 22 set envelope_from=yes
 23 set rfc2047_parameters=yes # encode =?iso-8858....?= filenames
 25 set pipe_decode=yes # encode stuff to urlview (to help...)
 27 #####################################################################
 28 # folder/mailboxes settings
 29 ###
 31 set folder=~/.mail  # there are the mailboxes (+ / = are shortcuts)
 32 set mbox_type=maildir  # see the wiki, there are 4 to choose from
 34 set spoolfile=+inbox           # incoming mails (~/.mail/inbox)
 35 set move=yes                   # to inbox to mbox after read
 36 set mbox="+inbox-rec" # after it's read ($folder/...)
 37 set postponed=+postponed       # postponed messages
 38 set record="+Sent-rec"  # sent messages (e.g. $folder/Sent-2006)
 39 set copy=yes                   # save a copy of outgoing message into $record
 40 #set header_cache=~/.mutt/cache_header/
 41 set read_inc=100
 42 set keep_flagged=yes  #don't move esc-f to $mbox from spool
 43 #set reply_self=yes  #use the reply-to: even on 'self-mail' but failure..often
 45 #mailboxes ! +inbox
 46 mailboxes =inbox
 47 mailboxes =cron
 48 mailboxes =calmar
 49 mailboxes =candrian
 50 mailboxes =allroundonlineshop
 51 mailboxes =prokulus-log
 52 mailboxes =mail-daemon
 53 mailboxes =aap
 54 mailboxes =conky
 57 # mailboxes =feeds
 58 # folder-hook =feeds set sort=from
 60 folder-hook . "source ~/.mutt/profile.inbox\n" # for every box
 61 folder-hook =candrian.*$ "source ~/.mutt/profile.candrian\n" # special
 62 folder-hook =allroundonlineshop$ "source ~/.mutt/profile.allroundonlineshop\n" # special
 64 ######################################################################
 65 # addressbook - email - alias settings
 66 ###
 68 set alias_file=~/.mutt/aliases      # add the Aliases here
 69 source ~/.mutt/aliases              # and include all existing aliases
 70 set sort_alias=alias                # sort by alias ( or address, unsorted)
 72 set query_command="abook --mutt-query '%s'"  # address book
 75 #####################################################################
 76 # how to check for new mails
 77 ###
 79 set timeout=5    # press artificially a key after 10 seconds
 80 set mail_check=5  # mutt checks for new mails on every keystrokes
 81                   # but not more often then once in 3 seconds
 82 set beep_new      # beep on new messages in the mailboxes
 85 #####################################################################
 86 # how to edit messages
 87 ###
 89 set editor=vim
 90 set edit_headers            # put headers in editor when composing messages
 91                             # additioally I have a some setting in vim for
 92                             # my convenience (lazyness):
 93 # autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead /tmp/mutt-* set filetype=mail
 94 # au FileType mail set tw=64 autoindent expandtab formatoptions=tcqn
 95 # au FileType mail set list listchars=tab:»·,trail:·
 96 # au FileType mail set comments=nb:>
 97 # au FileType mail vmap D dO[...]^[
 98 # "I can delete text bloxks with D, it gets replaced by [...] then
 99 # au FileType mail silent normal /--\s*$^MO^[gg/^$^Mj
100 # "the last line brings the curser to where I can start typing
101 # "for boxes around text, I pipe text through the boxes program with 
102 # "convenient bindings in vim e.g.
103 # map <LEADER>b2 :!boxes  -d ca--tlb-n<CR>  (ca--tlb-n is a design by my own so)
105 #####################################################################
106 # miscellous settings
107 ###
109 set crypt_autosign=no
110 set pgp_auto_decode = yes
111 set pgp_autoinline = no
112 set pgp_check_exit = yes
113 set pgp_clearsign_command = "gpg --no-verbose --batch --output - --passphrase-fd 0 --armor --textmode --clearsign %?a?-u %a? %f"
114 set pgp_decode_command = "gpg %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --no-verbose --batch --output - %f"
115 set pgp_decrypt_command = "gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --no-verbose --batch --output - %f"
116 set pgp_encrypt_only_command = "pgpewrap gpg -v --batch --output - --encrypt --textmode --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"
117 set pgp_encrypt_sign_command = "pgpewrap gpg --passphrase-fd 0 -v --batch --output - --encrypt --sign %?a?-u %a? --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"
118 set pgp_entry_format = '%4n %t%f %4l/0x%k %-4a %2c %u'
119 set pgp_export_command = "gpg --no-verbose --export --armor %r"
120 set pgp_getkeys_command = "gpg --recv-keys %r > /dev/null 2>&1"
121 set pgp_good_sign = ''
122 set pgp_ignore_subkeys = yes
123 set pgp_import_command = "gpg --no-verbose --import -v %f"
124 set pgp_list_pubring_command = "gpg --no-verbose --batc --with-colons --list-keys %r"
125 set pgp_list_secring_command = "gpg --no-verbose --batch --with-colons --list-secret-keys %r"
126 set pgp_long_ids = no
127 set pgp_mime_auto = ask-yes
128 set pgp_replyinline = no
129 set pgp_retainable_sigs = no
130 set pgp_show_unusable = yes
131 set pgp_sign_as=0x59D90F4D
132 set pgp_sign_command = "gpg --no-verbose --batch --output - --passphrase-fd 0 --armor --detach-sign --textmode %?a?-u %a? %f"
133 set pgp_sort_keys = 'address'
134 set pgp_strict_enc = yes
135 set pgp_timeout = '9999'
136 set pgp_use_gpg_agent = no
137 set pgp_verify_command = "gpg --no-verbose --batch --output - --verify %s %f"
138 set pgp_verify_key_command = "gpg --no-verbose --batch --fingerprint --check-sigs $r"
140 #####################################################################
141 # how mutt presents the list of the messages
142 ###
144 #for possible values, see manual:  3.259.  sort
145 set sort=threads            # sorting the mails in threads in index (mails-list-view)
146 set sort_aux=reverse-date   # and the thread themselves reverse-date
147                             # with o or O you can change that instantly
148                             #
149 #####################################################################
150 # how mutt presents the things in browser
151 # (where you can see all folders/files on file-system)
152 ###
154 set sort_browser=alpha      # is the default I think, but anyway
156 #####################################################################
157 # how mutt presents a particular message
158 ###
160 ignore *   # with only that, no mail - headers should get shown normally
161 unignore From: To: subject date  cc reply-to  # I want these to see
162 unignore User-Agent:  X-Spam-Status:
164 unhdr_order *   # the order of the headers above (if they exist)
165 hdr_order Date: To: From: Subject: Cc: Bcc: User-Agent: X-Spam-Status:
167 alternative_order text/html text/enriched text/plain
168                          # order of prefered mime types if there's a choice
169                          # I prefer text/html before text/plain
170                          # auto_view'ed (dumped through elinks) (see below)
171                          # (I prefer plain messages , but when there is an
172                          # html too attached on the same mail, that's most of
173                          # the time more interesting, since the text/plain just
174                          # tells, I shall get a modern mail-client or however)
176 auto_view text/html      # text/enriched and text/plain support are builtins
177                          # how to auto_view text/html takes mutt from  mailcap files:
178                          # ~/.mailcap  then /etc/mailcap or so
179                          # (settings with 'needsterminal' option or so)
180                          # I have in my ~/.mailcap for that purpose:
181                          # text/html; elinks -dump -force-html %s; needsterminal; copiousoutput;
183 #####################################################################
184 # other user interface settings
185 ###
187 set pager_index_lines=12     # add small index window at top of pager/messages
190 #####################################################################
191 # ask or do not ask, or what is the default -  settings
192 ###
194 set bounce=yes
195 set help=yes
196 set postpone=ask-yes           # ask for postponing when doing an Abort.
197 set print=ask-yes              # ask whether you really want to print.
198 set quit=yes
199 set delete=yes                 # ask for confirmation when deleting messages?
200 set include=yes                # quote message, when replying
201 set abort_nosubject=no         # Abort, if message has no subject.
202 set reply_to=ask-yes           # Use or ignore Reply-To.
203 set recall=no                  # don't ask for using postponed message.
204 set abort_unmodified=no        # Abort, if message wasn't edited.
205 set honor_followup_to=ask-yes  # Ask whether to honor Mail-Followup-To header.
206 set mime_forward=ask-no        # use MIME when forwarding mails.
207 set mime_forward_rest=ask-no   # forward attachments w/o autoview from attmenu
208 set pager_stop                 # stay at the current mail when page-down'ing
211 #####################################################################
212 # mailling list settings (so e.g. to reply with a `L' )
213 ###
215 #aliases actually
216 lists awesome vimperator conky vim a-a-p-user a-a-p-develop gnucash-user mutt-dev cairo matplotlib-users
217 subscribe matplotlib-users
219 #####################################################################
220 # bindings / macros for your convenience
221 ###
223 macro editor ";" \Ct  # while typing addresses after a m - ; for completing it
224 macro pager "n" qn<enter>
226 #c-v Fx neede for keyboard, <Fx> works for my special mouse-setup however
227 macro pager,editor,index ^[[11~ !vim\ /home/calmar/.mutt/manual.txt<enter>
228 macro pager,editor,index ^[[17~ :source\ /home/calmar/.mutt/muttrc<enter>
229 macro pager,editor,index <F7> <tab>
230 macro pager,editor,index <F8> c<enter>
231 macro pager,editor,index <F9> j
232 macro pager,editor,index <F10> <enter>
233 macro pager,editor,index <F11> q
234 macro pager,editor,index <F12> k
236 # notmuch.org bindings
237 macro index ^[[14~ "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><shell-escape>notmuch-mutt -r --prompt search<enter><change-folder-readonly>`echo ${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/notmuch/mutt/results`<enter>" "notmuch: search mail"
238 macro index ^[[13~ "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><pipe-message>notmuch-mutt -r thread<enter><change-folder-readonly>`echo ${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/notmuch/mutt/results`<enter><enter-command>set wait_key<enter>" "notmuch: reconstruct thread"
239 macro index ^[[12~ "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><pipe-message>notmuch-mutt tag -- -inbox<enter>" "notmuch: remove message from inbox"
240 macro index <F4> "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><shell-escape>notmuch-mutt -r --prompt search<enter><change-folder-readonly>`echo ${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/notmuch/mutt/results`<enter>" "notmuch: search mail"
241 macro index <F3> "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><pipe-message>notmuch-mutt -r thread<enter><change-folder-readonly>`echo ${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/notmuch/mutt/results`<enter><enter-command>set wait_key<enter>" "notmuch: reconstruct thread"
242 macro index <F2> "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><pipe-message>notmuch-mutt tag -- -inbox<enter>" "notmuch: remove message from inbox"
244 macro index "x" |urlview\n
245 macro pager "x" |urlview\n
247 bind pager "z" next-page
248 bind pager "Z" previous-page
250 # message-hook '!(~g|~G) ~b"^-----BEGIN\ PGP\ (SIGNED\ )?MESSAGE"' "exec check-traditional-pgp"
252 #####################################################################
253 # colors
254 ###
255 ### color pager
256 # Rados' colors
257 #source colors_rado
259 source `case $TERM in\
260              *256color) echo '~/.mutt/colors256-dark'; break ;;\
261              *rxvt-unicode) echo '~/.mutt/colors256-dark'; break ;;\
262              *) echo '~/.mutt/konsole-color'; break ;;\
263         esac`