Calmar on 'Vi Keybindings in Bash'

When you setup a .inputrc file in your home or in /etc/ directory with this content (part of it maybe):

set editing-mode vi
set keymap vi



You get about keybindings (in normal mode) like here:

     [number]yn -> paste the [number]ed argument of the previous line
     [number]yl -> paste the [number]ed argument of the previous line
     yn / yl -> paste the first / last argument of the previous line

	 Please note, also without that setting you can easily do a:
	 _ or [number]_ to achieve the same unless that when [number] = 1, it's 
	 the first word on the previous line rather then the first arg.

     "qq"     -> start-kdb-macro
     "qe"     -> end-kbd-macro
     "Q"      -> call-last-kdb-macro

     (does only work until the next <esc> here)

VI Mode bindings

    VI Insert Mode functions

    "C-D"    -> vi-eof-maybe
    "C-H"    -> backward-delete-char
    "C-I"    -> complete
    "C-J"    -> accept-line
    "C-K"    -> kill-line
    "C-L"    -> clear-screen
    "C-M"    -> accept-line
    "C-N"    -> next-history
    "C-P"    -> previous-history
    "C-Q"    -> quoted-insert
    "C-R"    -> reverse-search-history
    "C-S"    -> forward-search-history
    "C-T"    -> transpose-chars
    "C-U"    -> unix-line-discard
    "C-V"    -> quoted-insert
    "C-W"    -> unix-word-rubout
    "C-Y"    -> yank
    "C-["    -> vi-movement-mode
    " " to "~"    -> self-insert
    "C-?"    -> backward-delete-char

    VI Command Mode functions

    "C-D"  -> vi-eof-maybe
    "C-E"  -> emacs-editing-mode
    "C-G"  -> abort
    "C-H"  -> backward-char
    "C-J"  -> accept-line
    "C-K"  -> kill-line
    "C-L"  -> clear-screen
    "C-M"  -> accept-line
    "C-N"  -> next-history
    "C-P"  -> previous-history
    "C-Q"  -> quoted-insert
    "C-R"  -> reverse-search-history
    "C-S"  -> forward-search-history
    "C-T"  -> transpose-chars
    "C-U"  -> unix-line-discard
    "C-V"  -> quoted-insert
    "C-W"  -> unix-word-rubout
    "C-Y"  -> yank
    "C-["  -> abort
    " "    -> forward-char
    "#"    -> vi-comment
    "$"    -> end-of-line
    "%"    -> vi-match
    "&"    -> vi-tilde-expand
    "*"    -> vi-complete
    "+"    -> down-history
    ","    -> vi-char-search
    "-"    -> previous-history
    "."    -> vi-redo
    "/"    -> vi-search
    "0"    -> beginning-of-line
    "1" to "9"    -> vi-arg-digit
    ";"    -> vi-char-search
    "="    -> vi-complete
    "?"    -> vi-search
    "@"    -> is undefined
    "A"    -> vi-append-eol
    "B"    -> vi-prev-word
    "C"    -> vi-change-to
    "D"    -> vi-delete-to
    "E"    -> vi-end-word
    "F"    -> vi-char-search
    "I"    -> vi-insert-beg
    "N"    -> vi-search-again
    "P"    -> vi-put
    "R"    -> vi-replace
    "S"    -> vi-subst
    "T"    -> vi-char-search
    "U"    -> revert-line
    "W"    -> vi-next-word
    "X"    -> backward-delete-char
    "Y"    -> vi-yank-to
    "\"    -> vi-complete
    "^"    -> vi-first-print
    "_"    -> vi-yank-arg
    "a"    -> vi-append-mode
    "b"    -> vi-prev-word
    "c"    -> vi-change-to
    "d"    -> vi-delete-to
    "e"    -> vi-end-word
    "f"    -> vi-char-search
    "h"    -> backward-char
    "i"    -> vi-insertion-mode
    "j"    -> next-history
    "k"    -> prev-history
    "l"    -> forward-char
    "n"    -> vi-search-again
    "r"    -> vi-change-char
    "s"    -> vi-subst
    "t"    -> vi-char-search
    "u"    -> undo
    "w"    -> vi-next-word
    "x"    -> vi-delete
    "y"    -> vi-yank-to
    "|"    -> vi-column
    "~"    -> vi-change-case 

old table:

	C-w            delete last word (insert mode)

	h              move cursor one character to left
	j              next line in history
	k              previous line in history 
	l              move cursor one character to right
	w              move cursor one word to right
	b              move cursor one word to left
	0              move cursor to beginning of line
	$              move cursor to end of line

        <ESC>          switch to 'normal' mode	
	i              insert to left of current cursor position
	I              insert at beginning of line
	a              append to right of current cursor position
	A              append to end of line
	dw             delete current word
	cw             change current word
	r              change current character
	~              change case (upper-, lower-) of current character

	dd             delete current line
	D              delete portion of current line to right of the cursor
	x              delete current character
	ma             mark currrent position
	`a             go back to the marked position
	p              dump out at current place your last deletion (``paste'')

	u              undo the last command 
	.              repeat the last command 
	/              search history forwards
	?              search history backwards
	n              next item (during search)
	N              previous item (during search)

May send comments to:, thanks!