Calmar's little picture resizer (python, gtk+, imagemagick)

Calmar's Picture Resizer (v0.90 updated: 30.3.07)

BUG-Fix: no `:` in Exif-Comment were allowed. Fixed now.

A little Imagemagick frontend for its 'convert', written in Python for some common tasks like Image - resizing, rotating or converting. With additional support for changing/adding Exif Comments (jhead as backing) on Jpegs.

--> as a convert frontend, you can convert many filetypes into many others
--> resize them
--> rotate them (+/- 90 Degrees) (Choose between ImageMagicks or jpegtrans rotating)
--> add/edit jpg's Exif comments
--> preview pics in you 'viewer of choice'
--> create your new files in a subfolder or with a prefix, suffix..
--> on German platform, it could popup in German

--> does not (yet?) handle filenames with special chars (outside ascii) properly. (When there are e.g. paths with Umlauts like ä,ö, it won't work)

--> rotate, delete, adding exif comments is possible with single keystrokes and cursor keys (file-list needs focus first!). E.g.: for changing exif comments, may click into the file-list to get the focus on it. After that, you can use the arrow-keys for up/down on the one hand, on the other hand pressing 'x' and a dialog-box will popup. Write there, push TAB(ulator) + RET(urn), and navigate further with the arrow keys.
--> When you want to mark various files out of order, may use ctrl + left mouse.
--> For selecting ranges, shift + left mouse is suitable.
--> press ESC(ape) for leaving dialogs, like the file chooser (not adding new files so)

Please report bugs and hints or whatever to, thanks!

Download for *nix's

You need

Download: cal_pixresizer.tar.gz

Donwload for MS Windows

You can download a static version of all needed files packed in a single installer: setup_cal_pixresizer.exe

Alternatively... (for MS Windows)

Calmar's Picture Resizer Tool Screenshot Calmar's Picture Resizer Tool Dialog Screenshot
