Calmar's GNU/Linux Stuff

Linux distributions I like to use:

Favorite Programs

  • vim, best liked editor with a modal design
  • asciidoc, I used it for all (unless bills and some letters) personal documents. It's very natural, nice to work with - especially with vim-highlighting and you can create out of it nice pdf (a2x -f pdf foo.asciidoc), html etc etc.
  • dwm window manager - hardly sucks - after all :)
    Patches: systray (for volumeicon) and shiftview.c
    Menu-app-launcher: rofi.
  • git, Tree History Storage Tool, or however ;) (keep track of all versions you produced on whatever text files)
    • git-push origin :dev (delete remote dev branch)
    • git-checkout {HEAD^,SHA1} file (get back a file)
    • git-checkout -b newbranch {HEAD^,SHA1} (checkout old stuff in newbranche)
    • git-reset --hard {HEAD^,SHA1} (deletes everything above that)
      git-reflog && git-checkout HEAD@{..} (for e.g. redo the git-reset --hard :)
    • how to update a branch (while beeing there already):
      • git-fetch origin && git-merge origin/branch
      • git-fetch origin && git-reset --hard origin/branch
      • git-rebase origin/branch
      • git-pull . refs/remotes/origin/branch
        (Note: git-fetch origin && git-pull . .git/refs/remotes/<tab-completing>branch & removing .git/ for getting the thing. git-ls-remotes origin might is useful too)
        or with [branch "protocols"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/protocols in .git/config a simple 'git-pull'
      • git-fetch origin && git-update-ref master origin/branch
      how to update a branch (while not beeing there already):
      • git-push . origin/branch:otherbranch
    • git-rebase -i {HEAD^,SHA1} (-> edit - re-edit commit messages)
  • tmux, powerful 'Terminal' handling program. Allows you to really work serious/comfortable/fast together with cli/ncurse apps.(my .tmux.conf)
  • mutt, fast and powerful and GREAT mail program
    "All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less." by Michael R. Elkins
  • keepassxc, Very good password-manager - as far as I can see.
  • conky, very nice and highly customizable system monitor.
  • abook, easy but fine addressbook. I use it especially for E-mail addresses (mutt).
  • gnucash, an accounting program. I have C-h and C-l for switching tabs, with such a gtkrc-2.0
  • aap, a programm in the manner of 'make' written in Python. Great for Webpages at least.
  • cgdb, very good curses based frontend for gdb. For 'tracking variables use in gdb: display var (even tab-completion works there)
  • lftp (command line interface file transfer program): GREAT!
    Tip I: When you want to open/save your bookmarks including a passwords, edit your bookmark file and use entries like: ftp://user:password@ftp-site.xy
    Tip II: when you have the same file structur on your local and your remote file-system and when you're on the same directory, may use : mput -d path1/path2/file.xy to update that file, instead of 'entering' the path twice (see also 'help mput').
  • slrn, very fast and powerful usenet program
  • gimp, e.g. for your photo editing needs
  • inkscape, vector graphic program
  • mc, GNU Midnight Commander, ... , when the Shell is not the optimal thing (e.g. you want to browse your music-collection (with an according mailcap file...)), maybe a great filemanager can help?
    Tips: Ctrl-Enter,Esc-Enter puts the marked filename to the Command-Line, Esc-1=F1 Esc-0=F10 .. further M(eta)=Esc (M-* = Esc-*), with Ctrl-o you switch between the mc and the shell. M(Esc)-o to get the same directories on the two panels)
  • mocp, audacious, music players
  • mpv, media player (based on mplayer[2]), supports many formats
  • 7-zip, (un)compresses many formats like .zip, .rar etc
  • elinks, console browser -- great (once you know it a little bit - may use rxvt and ./configure --enable-256-colors)
  • opera, with Vi keybindings / shortcuts
  • imagemagick packet.(usage examples, display key bindings)
  • gqview, picture viewer, sorter (at least with 1.5.1+ versions)
  • fcron, nice cron-program fuer PC that won't run all the time.
  • ledger-cli, Put your spending/income into simple text-files, and ledger-cli will tell you all about it.
  • qiv, fast & cool keyboard driven image viewer.
    Tip: May setup a qiv-command script in your path. With that, while 'spacing' through your 'new' picture-collection (e.g. qiv --watch *.jpg), you can rotate and re-save them with `1' or `2' on the fly (triggering the according mogrify commands in the qiv-command script (see also man qiv and here))
  • avidemux, cut/decode movie files
    Tip: use command line option to setup things like:
    e.g. --> avidemux --audio-codec MP3 --video-codec XVID4 --video-conf cbr=500

